Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Always a bridesmaid never a bride

I just got word that my close friend will be getting married in a few months. Super excited for her BUT now I have to find a dress along with the other bridesmaids. NO ONE WANTS TO WEAR THE BIGGEST DRESS. NO ONE! I refuse to have to be the special ordered can't find the right size problematic bridesmaid. Time to GET IT TOGETHER!! As much as I just want to eat cake.....ooooh damn you food for being so delicious and evil.... This will be me for the next 90 days.....numbing the pain of separation...

Monday, June 11, 2012

And so it begins

Why must all the amazing sales only include the smallest sizes known to man? I love clothes! I have a superscription to Vogue, watch the September Issue religiously, and love the MAJ Rachel Zoe. Unfortunately, the beautiful clothes and wonderful sales only exists for the size 0 clan. So what did this brilliant young lady decide to do? Well loose weight of course! HA! If only it were that easy! My weight fluctuates like no other I can loose 10lb and gain 15 back in half the time. No I don't follow crazy trends nor do I take any "fat burning" pills. I do my best to eat healthy and workout but sticking to the routine and most importantly the NEW EATING HABITS kill me every time! Before anyone thinks I've just been miss informed  let me give you a small sneak peek into my domain. I have a friend who's a health guru (has the education to back it up) and beautiful person in and out. But she's not always here!! let me be frank...I'm eating chips as I type this ;-)
So I've decided to start a Blog, maybe this can help me work through whatever emotions turn me to food and self sabotage. In short, I'm hungry, I love food but my waistline is furious. This might help sum it up.....

This is how a diet works.....