Friday, November 9, 2012

Quick and easy....

Said no one ever!!!!!

I'm in a library on a Friday night.

 LAME I know!

But I take my LSAT in 3 weeks, that's 21 days, 504 hours, 30,240 minutes and counting.
I cried a little before I actually began to study because of the mere idea of failure.
The small possibility that maybe MAYBE I won’t make the cut frightens me to a new extreme.
I’ve always been very sure of myself. Thinking I can and will succeed.   And I do.
And so I will.
Not because I am great not that I deserve this but because I’ve asked God to help me get there and I have the utmost faith in Him and know that the Lord will guide me there.

Ps. officially done with couch to 5k, started 5k to 10k a month ago and now under the 240lb mark!!!

If you know what your worth go out and get what your worth.....